The 14th PTA Standing Committee


The 14th PTA Standing Committee Details are as follows:

Chairperson: Ms. Kam Shuk Mei May

Vice Chairperson: Mr. So Tze Leung, Edward (Vice Principal)

Secretary: Ms. Leung Po Shan

Treasurer: Ms. Lee Yip Yee

Council Members:

Mr. Liang Yong Qiang

Ms. Law Yuen Kwan

Ms. Ng Hau Yin

Ms. Fong Ching Ting

Ms. Ng Hoi San




主席:           甘淑美

家長教師會副主席: 蘇子亮 (副校長)

師庫:           李葉誼

秘書:           梁寶珊

委員:           梁永強、伍巧燕、羅婉鈞、方瀞霆、吳凱珊



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